Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We have a new cat and how I fell on June 15.

Of all things that happened last week, Donnie's ex wife had to move out of her house by June 9th. She had no place to take her cat so her daughter brought the cat here on Wednesday June 9. The cat's name is Tabbers. She is a pretty long haired calico. We already have a cat named Maizy. They had lived together several years ago. But now they are 2 9 year old cats that need to get reacquainted. So far, Tabbers lives downstairs and Maizy is upstairs.
As I said in the last post, I went to the doctor on Monday, June 14. The next day, Tuesday June 15th we had a heavy rain in the afternoon. Donnie cleaned the turtle tank but he did not wash the rocks. I had to run several errands. On the way home, I noticed that the clouds were billowing higher and higher. They looked so neat, I dropped Donnie's 12 pack of Icehouse and his supper off, grabbed my camera and went to the river to take pics of the neat clouds. It was a beautiful evening. And the clouds were over Moline and also behind me, over Bettendorf. When I left the river, I noticed the Bettendorf clouds were getting darker. So, I drove north on 23rd street and there were telephone lines in the way to take a good pic. I finally ended up in the Blockbuster parking lot and took a neat picture of a cloud over Schnuck's grocery store. All around the clouds were so high up. I have never seen anything like it. While looking up to get the next picture, I stepped on a big rock in the parking lot and I went flying and fell down and skidded on my forearm. I also hit my knee and I think my hip landed on my keys dangling from my front pocket because the italian charm keychain that Sherry made me got crushed. Anyway, there was a van in the parking lot about 30 feet away. I know they saw me on the ground but no one came over to help me. Someone was pulling in the lot the moment I fell. I hollered at them to see if they had seen me fall and he said no. He asked if I was ok. I told him no but I will be ok. So he didn't even come over and check on me. grrr I was so mad, I just sat there and kept taking pictures! LOL My elbow was bleeding and my are was scraped. My knee felt sore. It was hard to figure out how to get up off the ground because I usually lean on my right hand and right knee and they were very sore. I finally rolled over and got up. I went over to the folks in the van. I told them that I wasn't sitting there for my health, that I had fallen. I showed the gal my bloody elbow. She asked if I wanted a bandaid. I just said no and walked away. When I got in the van I noticed that there was a big welt on my forearm. I thought it could be a bone sticking out. I told Donnie when I got in that I needed to go to the ER. He took me in his truck. I showed my arm to my neighbors Laura and Bonnie before I left.
Xray's were taken and it was not broken. A blood vessel broke and filled in under the skin. So glad it was not broke, but now it was starting to hurt and so did my knee and hip. It was a rough night sleeping. I went back today, Wednesday, June 16, and I found the rock that caused me to trip. It is so strange, it is shaped like a shoe for a RIGHT foot! I will keep it always.

Still losing and feeling great!

I went to the Doctor on Monday, June 14. I weighed in at 265. I only lost 5 lbs this month. I feel like I had reached a plateau. I would weigh myself every morning, and I was always around 268. But I didn't let it get me down. I have tried to sneak a snack in here and there to see what I can get by with. Because my blood sugar is back to normal, I have a craving for candy bars. But I try to work it into my calorie count. I don't really count calories but I kinda figure it out in my head. I am eating a bread that is 45 calories per slice. Regular bread is 70 to 80 calories per slice. I have not been eating vegetables as much as I did before. I have had fried chicken but I try to take the skin off when I can. I still have smaller portions. I have been eating a lot of sugar free gum. But every day is different.
I am very happy that I do not have to work. I seem to find things that keep me busy. Donnie seems to keep busy also. We have been to Galesburg 4 times in the past couple of weeks. Donnie and I went to galesburg on Friday May 28th. We went to see my cousin Charlotte who was visiting her parents at Seminary Estates. She goes there every week to check on her Mom's meds. She also plays cards with them. Aunt Mildred is 89 and Uncle Chester (Moore) is 93 and 1/2. But they are still smart card players. It makes me feel bad that I didn't sit and play cards with my dad when he was in his final days. I think it puts the person in a different frame of mind.
After we played cards, we went to the Craft Mall that is located a few blocks away in Hawthorne centre. Charlotte had some of her pictures that she wanted to feature in the booth that Sherry and I are renting for $60 a month. Donnie bought me a sock Monkey when we were there. He also found a hutch for $40. They asked up if we could give them a couple weeks to rearrange the stuff that was on it. They had a flyer on their door that said that Elvis (Junior Talley from Monmouth) was going to perform on June 12 so we decided that we would pick it up then. After I helped Charlotte put her pictures up in the booth, Donnie and I went to Salvation Army and I called Sherry and we made arrangements to eat at the Chinese Buffet on Henderson.
After we ate there, we followed Sherry to her boyfriend's Sean's Mom's house to see stuff she had for a yard sale. I bought a popcorn popper pan and a newspaper burning grill. I also said that I would be able to bring her some folding tables for her sale.
To make a long story short, It was rainy on Friday June 4th so I didn't go back to Galesburg. Sherry said that the yardsale wasn't going to be until later in the month. She had Monday off and wanted to know if we could bring the tables then. So late in the afternoon Monday, Donnie and I drove to galesburg with 4 folding tables and a few things I wanted to sell. We stayed and talked for a while and then we decided we were hungry. Rib Shack is not open on Monday's and we didn't want to go to the Buffet again. I found out that the family Restaurant on Lincoln is closed. Finally we went downtown and stopped at New China. I don't think I have been in there in years. To make another long story short, when we went to pay the bill, I was so excited because I remembered that the owner was the wife of one of my classmates (D. Hopping) I tried to blurt it out but she took one look at our Debit Card and told us, point blank, "We don't take plastic" Donnie looked in his money clip and he didn't have the nearly $24 for the steak and chop suey that we had. She just looked at us when we told her that we didn't see the sign. She said that it is posted everywhere and it is written in the menu... she thinks it still is there. Yeah, that's the first thing I look for in the 21st century is something in a menu that says they don't take plastic.
She still didn't offer us any alternatives and I finally told her we were from out of town but we did bank at first midwest, and she pointed that it was across the street. I asked if we needed to leave anything as collateral and she just thought I was nuts! We should have just left. I don't plan on going back there again. All she needed to say was "We don't take plastic but there is an ATM machine across the street." DUH! But we went to the ATM machine. I did see the sign outside but is was facing west and we came in from the east. Oh, well. We got the money and went back and there was another sign as we first walked in. But we had been nice and held the door for some elderly people and then we looked the seating area over and it was all to right so we didn't look straight ahead. And as I said, we were hungry, we were not looking for "cash only" on a menu in the 21st century!
OK. So we paid her and I quickly told her about me being a classmate of her husband's. And she still didn't act social. I told her my name to tell him but she could care less. Very rude. We will never go there again.
So that was on Monday June 7.
I drove Donnie to Montpelier to his friend Dave's house Wednesday night where Donnie is having his 3 wheeler servi-car worked on. Dave lives right inside the city limits. They have a nice house and a nice garage and lots of Motorcycles. On Thursday night they had the Second Fiddle Open house. It was raining when we got there a little after 5 but it cleared up before the doors opened at 6. There were some neat things there. I was able to buy a Fur Real Talking parrot for 3 dollars. I put it on ebay that night at 1:30 am. They sell for $450 on Amazon new and the lowest price they showed was $199 so that is what I asked for mine, or best offer. At 9:13a.m.on Friday, someone offered me $100 so I took it! (I also sold that newspaper grill for 24.99 earlier in the week).
On Friday June 11, Charlotte wanted me to go with her to her parent's again. I had a lot of stuff I wanted to get done but I went anyway. We didn't leave until after 1 because her son had to go look for a job. We stayed at her parents and played cards until 4:45. We went to the Craft Mall. I told the Knapp's that owned the place that Donnie and I would be there on Saturday to pick up the Hutch.
Anyway, On Saturday it rained all day. We drove to Galesburg to get the Hutch. We had taken the seats out of my van Thursday so the hutch fit really well. The Elvis show and the Flea Market were cancelled so we just came back home. Donnie took the legs off the hutch to make it easier to bring in the house. It is very heavy. I can't believe we got it in without either one of us getting hurt.
I guess what all of this is saying is that it was a busy week and hard to watch my diet. I left out a couple other things. I will write them in another post.